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Bài đăng

Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn English everyday


Động Từ kết hợp: 1. Go / be on a diet 2. Use the Pyramid diagram 3. Do more exercise 4. Have a moderation in eating 5. Go to the gyms 6. Eat nutritious food 7. Fruits/ fruit juice 8. Go jogging 9. Fat food 10. Fast food 11. Work with computer long Compose nouns: Software   Bedroom   Eggroll   Sunrise   Checkout   Fullmoon   Checkup   Underworld Đoạn hội thoại giữa bệnh nhân và bác sĩ : Hi ! Doctor What’s the matter with you ? Recently , I feel backache ! Now, you go to the room on the right, to capute your black. W hat are there problem with my back D on’t worry, everything is OK ! Do you sit often in a chair? Y es, My work usually use laptop and I sit more 9 hour every day Is Y our chair comfortable ? I have new chair, but this is low than my desk Ok, I think you should relax, and motor each 30 minute. ...